Society of the Holy Child Jesus (SHCJ)
Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource
In September 2015 I completed a five-session group resource for this encyclical: Laudato Si’ Reflection Resource: On Care for Our Common Home. Five sessions makes it especially useful during lent, but it can be used at any time. I update it annually, and I attach the 11/18 update. The 16 sides (eight pages) are free, downloadable, and easy to use.
My experience with group resources prompted me not to insist that participants read the document in advance. This has been validated many times: by the fourth session, participants have been motivated to read it all, and usually come with their own marked versions.
Experience also shows that a solid foundation of awareness of our interconnection with all creation is the key to having people care about the encyclical's content, so the first session focuses on the Introduction (too often ignored!). All sessions use quotes from the document, and include suggestions for relevant videos and songs, prayer, Scripture, discussion, action, and closing.
This resource has received good reviews and, judging from the "hits," has been used by thousands of groups — religious congregations, parishes, interested groups — globally.
Action Suggestions
The above resource gives suggestions each week and page 15 contains a list of additional suggestions.
Parish Bulletin blurbs
Fortunately, the pastors of my parish have welcomed my weekly blurbs connecting the Sunday Scripture with sections in Laudato Si’. I attach a page with recent blurbs. (I currently write them in the name of our Green Team.)
Whenever possible, I refer to Laudato Si’ when writing blogs for my website: For example: Who Is My Neighbor?; When “We” Is Missing; Earth Day 2018
Resource is also available on S. Terri MacKenzie's blog here: