UISG Campaign

In Laudato Sí, Pope Francis has underlined the fundamental connection that exists between the environmental crisis and the social crisis that we are currently experiencing and asks us for a personal and community ecological conversion. He often reminds us “everything is interconnected.” “Sowing Hope for the Planet” is a project in which every Sister whose congregation is a member of UISG, and their connections are provided with an opportunity to make a difference in our care of the planet. This project is a collaborative effort of the JPIC Commission in the name of UISG and the Laudato Si Movement.

The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a space for institutions, communities, and families to learn and grow together. You are warmly invited to join this community. Your unique “culture, experience, involvements, and talents” are needed on our journey towards greater love for our Creator, each other, and the home we share." (LS 14). For more information, go to the LSAP website at: https://laudatosiactionplatform.org/

Laudato Si' Action Platform Website, Link to enroll in the Laudato Si' Action Platform...

New Videos from the JPIC Office

The Religious Sector of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform presented a seminar on September 12, Integral Ecology in Religious Life and Mission, on deepening the commitment to Laudato Si’, the Laudato Si’ Goals, and how to develop action plans related to integral ecology. On September 18, The JPIC Office hosted a seminar on “Integral Ecology Facing Extractive Economies – Communities Affected by Mining in Latin America”. Members of religious and faith-based organizations discussed examples of a Samaritan economy and the mining divestment campaign. The seminars are available on our YouTube Channel here. We hope you enjoy these fascinating and helpful presentations!


There seems to be a correlation between climate change, consumerism and human trafficking. The victims of climate change, having lost their livelihoods, are the number one target of traffickers. Long-term changes in the planet’s climatic system render vulnerable local communities already threatened by a consumeristic society that rides on the principle of supply and demand. Unchecked constant human gratification and marathons for cheap goods and services favor trafficking in persons. Throughout Mother Earth’s history, the climate has continuously changed. If climate change existed from time immemorial, why does it matter today? The present reflection intends to briefly explore the following points: defining concepts, the principle of supply and demand, threats of a consumeristic culture, rituals for wealth and power, International Law and human trafficking, and the Church response.

Links to support materials: Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation text

JPIC Office Webinar: Saving the Congo Peatlands,
22 May 2023

Congo Basin Peatlands Under Threat

Currently, the Congo Basin Peatlands are under threat by governmental decisions to allow prospecting for oil and gas in this ecologically vulnerable region. Additionally, there are plans to mine the area for peat, which can be dried and burnt for fuel. The Congo peatlands are the largest old-growth rainforests on Earth. They are a vitally important area of biodiversity, hosting many unique species which are endangered and threatened by extinction. The peatlands are also a vast reservoir for water, carbon, and nitrogen.

Disruption of these systems will harm other dependent ecosystems, change weather patterns, and harm the lives and livelihoods of people in the area. This fragile ecosystem is very old and cannot easily repair itself. Prospecting the region for oil and gas will cause great damage. Mining peat from the Basin will destroy incredibly old and beautiful forests and wetlands to produce fuel with a high carbon footprint.

The JPIC Office has produced a webinar which presents information about the Congo Basin Peatlands from perspectives of scientists, activists, and religious. Following the See, Judge, and Act methodology, useful information will be followed by messages of hope and prayer. The video is an opportunity to learn about the Congo Basin Peatlands and their importance, to share the knowledge of people working to address this issue, and to decide what is yours to do.

For further information: Congo Basin peatlands and climate threatened by oil extraction.




Sowing Hope for the Planet
has a YouTube channel,
Planet Hope,
where we post informative videos and
recordings of webinar sessions.
Please visit the channel!

The Letter Movie Premiere,
October 4, 2022

Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and ecology, offers a transformative new vision of environmental protection. The Laudato Si’ Movement, in partnership with Off the Fence Productions, is collaborating with the Vatican to release the Laudato Si’ film October 4, 2022. The film premiered in Vatican City on the Feast of St. Francis that closed the Season of Creation. The entire film is now available to watch on the YouTube Originals channel for free. The film will bring Pope Francis’ vision of integral ecology to life.

Sowing Hope for the Planet, Pax Christi and Listen Webinar celebrating
the Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action

Do Something
Music by Sr. Fidelia Chukwumah
Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles, 2020

Essentially Beautiful, words and music by Sr. Alphonsa Kiven, Tssf